Saturday, 1 February 2014

Mumbai: Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan, Suzanne Khan and behold the stars are in circulation these days after separation from the bride Kareena Kapoor, Hrithik Roshan's younger Nawab refused to be heroin.
Bollywood actress says the film for Karan Johar's not currently trying ankadl. Reportedly, Karan Johar's film actress Shudhi ago I was working pro bhrcky while filming the movie begins. tukrynh has refused, saying that he is going to present my work in this film does not have a mode.

However, if and when they believe they will make it to the movie. Denial of Karan Johar Kareena has trouble and now they're looking for a star Hrithik Roshan who are studying fit together.


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