Saturday, 1 February 2014

Lahore / Karachi: The Pakistan Film Industry-known director Sangeeta see the current situation is ansuruta krdl blood.
Aurngar cinemas boxes are very painful scenes of desolation. Wants hearts that create a film which ends this desolation, mgrachy filmmakers because of the lack of aurfnansrz do not currently possible. These remarks the director Sangeeta subzshafyun in Lahore on Sunday during a meeting., he said, because of the Karachi film industry sdydbhran gone but my heart is not there. though there is load shedding of electricity or gas to leave the station, but living lugunkashr And with all the problems of the film industry Lahore ducarhy heart.

He said the Pakistan film industry must work together to support everyone. Differences, not thinking now is the time ucarka. I still have not spent the time., We should make films on subjects good with young talent The results will be positive. they said I contact for many filmmakers are making formula films, mgrny recently aurtahal farmulaflmynbnany had refused to occupy his mind. Finally Sangeeta treatment for the next India is a week off from my people and fans urge to pray to God for my recovery.


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